
Michael McCormick, Owner
Owner Michael McCormick says, “I believe in balance, in reconciling opposites, in symbiotic relationships, in the harmonious; the healing effects of colour, light and shapes; symbols and innuendo” – and that’s reflected in the Gallery’s collection. “Most people are afraid to listen to their own hearts; they’re unassure of their own authorities. But, and this is important, it’s not necessary to know the reason we love something. Art is like Religion… elusive and magical. Of the faithful. If the eye is the window to the soul, then art is definitely in the eye of the beholder.”
Michael McCormick and Sons Gallery exhibits an eclectic Artwork range featuring Artwork of New Mexico Masters Miguel Martinez, Malcolm Furlow, Shelbee Mares, Bill Baker, Timothy Tate Nevaquaya, Michael Archuleta, with many other Museum Quality Artists. Travel & Leisure, Fodor’s, & Frommer’s magazine, says “A must if you’re visiting New Mexico”.
Photo courtesy of Donald Graham.
10 Questions with Gallery Owner Michael McCormick
Michael McCormick’s Hidden Treasures
The Michael McCormick Gallery
A Taos Tale

Meownet, Director of Public Relations
“Hi! My name is Meownet (after Monet). At first I was lost, but now I am found! Felix the cat lady introduced me to the best Gallery in the world! In the beginning I was very ill and couldn’t walk. Michael and Jamie took me in and when I got better I applied for the job of Director of Public Relations. Lo and behold I got the job! Now I spend my days sleeping, having my tummy rubbed, and just basically running the Gallery. I would very much like to meet you so please come in to visit us!”
Photo by Katherine Egli of the Taos News.